Solvent Recyclers

For recovery of dirty solvents and cleaners.

Without vacuum unit: for low boiling liquids like e.g. acetone, MEK, ethanol, etc.
With vacuum unit: for high boiling liquids like e.g. dibasic esters, Rhodiasolv® IRIS, LYSAPUR® cleaners, etc.

Suitable for dry residues. Distillation in thermobag, therefore no cleaning necessary.
Saves money, saves space.

Solvent Recyclers

For recovery of dirty solvents and cleaners.

Without vacuum unit: for low boiling liquids like e.g. acetone, MEK, ethanol, etc.
With vacuum unit: for high boiling liquids like e.g. dibasic esters, Rhodiasolv® IRIS, LYSAPUR® cleaners, etc.

Suitable for dry residues. Distillation in thermobag, therefore no cleaning necessary.
Saves money, saves space.

ALPHA series

Compact design, low overall height, fast unloading by tilting the machine.

ALPHA series

Compact design, low overall height, fast unloading by tilting the machine.

AV series

Extractable distillation tank, double productivity, trolleys can take distillation tanks to places where dirty solvent is accrued.

AV series

Extractable distillation tank, double productivity, trolleys can take distillation tanks to places where dirty solvent is accrued.